Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Libretto Almost Finished

Brian O'Connell's epical new musical, based upon his younger brother Brendan's fantabuloustic comic series, is almost finished. "What I've heard of the songs are really good," says Brendan of the show. "I think they'll be great in Spring. Kids are already asking for it."

Yes, magic is underway on Brian's laptop and keyboard. Brendan has praised "Shattering," and worked with Brian on the first two songs ["Happiness" and "Electricity]. It is an enormous project.

"The story is lot darker than you would expect it to be," says Brian. "There's murder, madness [Shatter], and, in Act Two, Bowling Ball is depressed. There's also a really big twist that we invented for the comics, but it's in the musical too."

B and B Productions, the producing studio (actually, Brian and Brendan are the two Bs! They run it!), have decided that the actors should take a vow of silence - as the libretto has plot twists, THEY CANNOT REVEAL ANYTHING!

The libretto is almost finished.

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